Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tipping the Scale

I’d like to talk about anger, blame, fault finding and criticism. A nasty bunch to be sure and this insidious clan loves to masquerade as righteous, indignant and noble. They are anything but. It is typical of us, when our eyes are closed to our souls and our fearful personalities are in the driver’s seat, to use these tools as a means of justifying all manner of hurtful behavior. I think the Buddha summed it up best when he put forth this concept…

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone. You are the one getting burned."

Anytime we, for example, blame another, we can be certain that eventually and very plausibly sooner rather than later, we will be blamed ourselves. The same holds true for all the others as well. Every time we invoke one of these negative tools, it returns to us and usually it has several nasty friends in tow. There is neither a good place nor a good time to unleash a negative force that will, most certainly come back to us. Step out of the situation, ask, choose and learn.

Words are another avenue that will allow you to tip the balance of your day toward the positive. It has long been understood by both linguists and psychologists that words have a dramatic impact on the nervous system; both that of the speaker as well as the listener. Whether those words are part of our internal dialog or spoken aloud, the effect remains. Words have an effect on our heart rate, blood pressure, and as was demonstrated in the famous water experiments conducted by Dr. Masura Emoto, even on the cells and molecules of our bodies. In these experiments, words were taped to the exterior of containers containing water molecules. Words like , “Thank you” and “I love you”. The crystals were then frozen and produced spectacular, beautiful crystals displaying cohesive patterns. Conversely, when negative words such as “I hate you” and “You make me sick” were attached to the containers, the frozen water molecules displayed incoherent patterns that were anything but beautiful and geometric. Considering that our bodies are made up of over 70% water, imagine the impact words have on our physiology. It should therefore be of great concern to us the words we choose to communicate both with ourselves and others. A steady stream of words like love, beautiful, fantastic, gorgeous, wonderful, exciting, etc. will produce pronounced positive states while words like hate, horrible, awful, terrible, etc. will produce corresponding negative states so choose wisely.

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Proverbs 12:18).

Lastly I’d like to share the simple observation that every day, at its conclusion, will exist somewhere on a continuum between positive and negative. It will have been more of one than the other. When you begin to consistently produce days in which you have exhibited and put forth more positivity than negativity, the circumstances of your life will change for the good so rapidly that you will hardly be able to believe it. I know, I’ve been there. Your limitations will begin to disengage and your attained goals will be screaming toward you like a locomotive. It is not necessary to be perfect each day. You only need tip the scale 51% toward the positive for everything to begin to change. As your awareness and consciousness begin to shift, the 51% will give way to 60%, then 70% and so on. By that time, you will scarcely recognize your life as the same one you lived previously and in fact, it won’t be. Your past incarnation will be but a dim and pale comparison to the light, love and accomplishment that will become your daily reality. Remember, every possibility for you in the universe already exists and it has since the moment of creation. You simply call it out of The Field and into your life. Focusing on what you want as a present reality, empowering it with strong emotion, tipping the balance of your life to the positive and being grateful is how it all happens.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

An excerpt from Chapter One...

Many philosophers, teachers, shaman, religious leaders and certainly many texts, both ancient and modern share the idea that creation is not the sole domain of God or the universe. They believe that creation is a never ending process that we are all engaged in all the time. Every choice we are faced with is an opportunity to create and learn and we will engage in this process regardless of whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Every time we choose, we create. We collapse the quantum possibilities into  but one, the one of our choosing. If we are in fact conscious of this, then we tend to create what we want. If we are not, then we are at the mercy of whatever frequency we happen to be on at that particular moment.

 For example, let’s say you are returning home from work and as you approach your driveway you see that your path is blocked by your children’s toys that you have repeatedly asked them not to leave there. You are immediately faced with a choice, several actually. You could exit your vehicle, remove the toys from your path, park the car, go inside, hug your children and leave it at that. You could run over the toys and then explain to your crying children that had they not left their toys in the driveway, they would not have been reduced to rubbish. Each of these choices is available to you equally. Each will produce a dramatically different outcome for both you and your kids. If you are not consciously determining which option you will choose then you will most likely choose based solely upon the mood (frequency) you happen to be in at that moment. If you are in a negative state because of some occurrence at work, you will tend toward the negative response and vice versa. It is only by becoming consciously aware that you even have a choice that you will choose the outcome you want to create but you will, no matter what, create. We are only slaves to our emotions when we fail to realize we have choices and fail to exercise those choices.

Many people believe that we are all in “Earth School”.  That we all possess infinite and unlimited creative power and our time on earth is designed to give us the opportunity to learn how to use that awesome power with love for ourselves and our fellow beings. When considered thoroughly, it makes a great deal of sense. The Christian Bible says we are all made in the image of God. I imagine that doesn’t much mean that we look like God but that we function in a way similar to God, as loving, creative beings. Think of it this way; at some point Michelangelo held a rock in his young hands and started chipping away at it. I suspect he was quite proud of the first lump he crafted and eagerly declared it to be a frog or a bird. I also suspect that his mother marveled at it and declared to him that it was beautiful then encouraged the young creator to go forth and continue creating. This is the sort of path that leads to a piece of art as magnificent as the statue of David.  We have a choice in our time here. The choice is to consciously choose what we create or to create by default. Therein lays the difference.

We all know people whose lives are joyous, healthful, abundant, loving and beautiful. Conversely, we probably know far more people who continually struggle through all manner of difficulty… financial, health, relationships and a host of others. What’s the difference? How is it that life seems so easy for some yet so incredibly difficult for others? Is it because, “Life’s not fair”? because “Life is hard”? Very true IF that’s what you choose to believe. Is it because they had a bad childhood, bad parents, bad teachers, no advantages? Here is the difference that makes the difference…it is what they habitually think about. The quality of one’s thoughts becomes the quality of one’s life. Focus all your attention on the negative aspects of your life and what you don’t want and that is exactly what you will create…every time. To illustrate, try this…don’t think of a blue horse. See what I mean? Neither the universe nor your unconscious mind takes notice of negative modifiers such as “don’t”. It only responds to blue horse. It can be no other way.  If you are using the Law of Attraction to manifest, for example, wealth and your constant focus is on a lack of money, guess what? Right, you will manifest a lack of money. If on the other hand your focus is on abundance, that is what you will create…, it’s that simple.

Next let’s consider the powerful belief that everything happens exactly as it should; that there is meaning for us in every event and circumstance of our lives. No problem comes to us that we did not draw to ourselves. Every perceived problem carries for us a gift for us in its hands…the opportunity to choose and learn. The ancient Hawaiian philosophy of Huna teaches this and St. Paul, while sitting in a Roman prison said, “Count it all joy” when referring to trials and problems. Our entire experience is simply what we perceive, not what “is”. There is no such thing as objective experience, there is only subjectivity. It is for this reason that several people can witness an accident and give utterly different accounts. Each of them is processing through the filters they have accumulated from a lifetime of experiences. Each of them has their own distinct reality. None is right, none is wrong, they just “are”.  Once we come to understand this, we can begin to understand that everything has meaning for us. We will dig into this in more detail a bit later in the book.

The last concept I’d like to introduce in this chapter is duality. There are two very distinct and usually opposing parts of your humanity; your personality and your soul. This may at first seem peculiar to your sensibilities so allow me explain. Your soul is your true self. It is the very essence of your eternal being. Your soul is that part of you that is only concerned with love. To it, that is all there is. Your personality, on the other hand, is that portion of your earth bound physical self that strives to protect your ego which is merely an illusion. Every negative aspect of your life experience is a function of that personality and its ongoing mission to preserve the ego. ALL negativity we experience is the result of the personality manifesting fear of something…loss, abandonment, poverty, rejection, illness, and ultimately dying or annihilation.  It is fear that drives all human conflict; between partners in intimate relationships as well as between tribes and nations.

 For example, let’s say your spouse arrives home somewhat later than you anticipated without calling to inform you. When he or she finally does arrive, the hostilities erupt. Why? Why are you not simply content in the joy of their safe arrival? Why do you feel compelled to react with anger, to make the other person feel badly, to punish them in some way?  It is fear at work in you; fear of loss, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment and the like. What takes place is the fearful parts of your personality take over; you literally become possessed by them and you believe that you have no choice in your behavioral response and therein, you err. As we saw earlier, you always have a choice but only in as much as you realize that you do. In order to consistently exercise choice that supports the intention of your soul, you must become the silent “watcher” of your feelings, emotions and reactions. This is the beginning of enlightenment. When you master the ability to recognize the fearful parts of your personality attempting to take you over and you challenge and reject them in favor of the intentions of your soul, you are on the path to true peace; the kind of peace that can only come when the intentions of your personality are aligned with the intentions of your soul. This state is not something that happens overnight or without vigilance and practice. You are, after all, attempting to overcome a lifetime of operating by default or on auto-pilot however, with time and patience, it most certainly can be achieved. The bottom line here is we all have choice, even in the circumstances that seem to demand only one response. We simply have to wake up to that fact and choose. When the Buddha was asked how he wanted to be remembered he replied simply, “As one who woke up.”

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Purpose, Passion and Happiness

"If you observe a really happy man, you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his child, growing double dahlias or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that had rolled under the radiator, striving for it as a goal in itself. He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life twenty-four crowded hours of each day." ~W. Beran Wolfe

 Happiness, it the most sought after of all the human emotions and yet, for most, the most elusive. We even struggle in our efforts to define it but one thing is certain…we know when we have it and are perhaps even more acutely aware of when we do not. We engage in all manner of behaviors and enlist the help of a myriad of chemicals to either achieve it or at least, make its absence more tolerable. In this chapter we are going to explore what causes happiness and how passion and purpose relate to it. Did you know that according to recent studies that Japan is the least happy developed nation in the world and Denmark is the most happy? What could be behind the huge gap in the GNH (Gross National Happiness) of these two countries? Well there are, of course, numerous factors however a simple few seem to be the difference that makes the difference. After World War II, Japan’s infrastructure and economy were decimated. The government knew that if the country was to recover from the devastating effects of the war, a near maniacal work ethic had to become a part of the very fabric of the society. The massive government propaganda initiatives to make this happen were hugely successful and Japan’s meteoric rise to economic superpower was the envy of the world, but at a terrible price. The citizens were so overworked that the resulting stress began killing them…killing them in sufficient numbers that a new category for death statistics had to be created. The term is Karoshi and its literal translation is “death from overwork”. There are today regular Karoshi memorials and support groups across the country.

 Contrast that to Denmark with the highest GNH in the world. There are the obvious factors that contribute such as free healthcare for everyone from birth until death and free education through the college level however there seems to be something else at work as well…community. In Denmark, more people live in communal types of environments that in any other developed nation. Groups of families live in shared housing on plots of land that they farm collectively. Many things are shared including chores, child care and more. So that brings us to the question of just what does and, just as importantly, does not create happiness. There are essentially two types of goals that we humans tend to adopt, intrinsic goals and extrinsic goals. We most often focus on three types of goals in each of the two categories. Within the intrinsic group there is service to community, personal growth and relationships. The extrinsic three are money, image and status (power). Virtually every study conducted in the last 30 years has found that groups of people who tend toward the pursuit of the intrinsic goals are happier on average than those pursuing the extrinsic goals. One need not look very far for empirical evidence of this. As a matter of fact, we need only look in our own back yard. The United States citizenry consumes more anti-depressant drugs, per-capita, than any nation on earth and yet we have more economic opportunity than virtually anyone. So what is the mechanism that is responsible for this? If the most current research in the emerging field of positive psychology is any indication, it is our largely external focus.

 We have all heard the phrase, “Money can’t buy happiness.” Well, yes and no. A survey of people ranging in economic conditions from homeless to $500,000 in annual income found that the difference in reported happiness in the income range from $0 to $50,000 annually was substantial however; the reported happiness jump from $50,000 to $500,000 was far less. What this points to is that a certain amount of money is required for most people to experience a basic level of happiness. Enough money to provide adequate housing, food and clothing seems to do the trick. On the other hand, a significantly higher income beyond that level does not produce a corresponding jump in reported happiness.

 So if money isn’t the panacea that most of us have been led to believe by society, school, parent or media, then what is it? What is it that, as found in another recent study, allows Indian rickshaw drivers living in what we would consider deplorable conditions to report being happier than most affluent Americans report being? Perhaps it is image? Image is one of the big three extrinsic goals and in America, image is king! Simply turn on your flat panel, high definition television and have a look. We are constantly bombarded with the message that in order for us to be happy we must drive the expensive car, wear the designer clothes, eat at the happening restaurants, etc. Not to say that there is anything at all wrong with these things if you enjoy them, just don’t expect them to provide sustained happiness, they will most certainly disappoint.

 This is primarily thanks to the rule of hedonic adaptation which describes the tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes. Essentially, as a person makes more money, expectations and desires rise in tandem, which results in no permanent gain in happiness. Brickman and Campbell coined the term in 1971 in their essay "Hedonic Relativism and Planning the Good Society". During the late ’90s, the concept was modified by Michael Eysenck, a British psychology researcher, to become the current 'hedonic treadmill theory' which compares the pursuit of happiness to a person on a treadmill, who has to keep working just to stay in the same place.

 We’ll come back to happiness, let’s shift gears and talk about purpose. For many people it is the overarching question of their lives…what is my purpose? For many others, it is a question that long ago faded from view, obscured by jobs, mortgages, kids, bills and the like. But whether it is something you contemplate daily or haven’t given a passing thought for decades, it is probably THE single most important question you can ask yourself. Why? Simple, because until your life is aligned with your purpose, happiness will remain a coy and elusive mistress to be glimpsed but never possessed. So what exactly is purpose? It is the thing you that you are most suited to do…the gift unique to you that you were meant to share with the world. To the Buddhist or eastern mystic, it is what you chose to incarnate on this earth to do. To the Christian or Jew, it is God’s plan for your life. However you choose to understand it, it is what the universe has uniquely equipped you and only you to accomplish. It is the essence of your higher self and the truth of your soul.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Magic of Belief

Chapter Four excerpt – The Power of Belief

Some years ago I did something that to most people would seem miraculous, I walked on fire… a 1200 degree bed of glowing, red-hot coals that stretched some twenty feet. My feet were not burned nor even blistered however when I got home that evening and attempted to remove my trousers, I found that the nylon zipper was melted shut. I had to cut the pants off with a pair of scissors. How was this possible?...belief. I was in a state of congruent belief that the coals would not burn me. As a matter of fact, what I saw in my mind was not the stretch of glowing coals before me but a bed of cool, wet moss. 

Similarly there have been studies of schizophrenics who physically display the symptoms of a disease that they believe is a part of their “other” personality.  They have tested positive, for example, for diabetes when they believe they have become one of their personalities that has that particular disease.  In the hands of a skilled clinical hypnotherapist, a patient in deep trance can be burned with a piece of ice by being told that the ice is hot metal. In Appalachia, religious fundamentalists are able to safely drink highly poisonous strychnine in quantities that would most certainly kill virtually anyone else. They are also able to withstand deadly venomous snake bites with little or no apparent effect. It is the very same mechanism that accounts for the placebo effect. Experiments are setup where two groups of people are told they are receiving a medication that will produce a specific effect. Only one group actually receives the active drug while the other receives an inactive compound such as a sugar pill. Invariably, some of the people who received the sugar pill or “placebo” will exhibit the same or similar physiological responses as the group who received the active drug. Once again, the mechanism is expectation or belief.

So what is a belief? Simply stated a belief is way of understanding or representing something to ourselves as truth.  Beliefs are created in numerous ways, let’s have a look at some of them…
Environment is a powerful creator of beliefs. For example if a child is told repeatedly that it is stupid as it endeavors to learn through trial and error, it will begin to adopt that belief and cease to experiment expecting only failure. This type of belief can be and usually is carried into adulthood with disastrous consequences. Conversely, if a child is praised as smart and capable, even as it tries, fails and tries again, it will continue striving to learn and will develop a belief of  self-determination and confidence. Children who are exposed consistently to an atmosphere of failure and despondence will adopt a belief that failure and despondence are the norm while children exposed consistently to an atmosphere of achievement and contentment will come to believe that achievement and contentment are, in fact, the norm.

Events can shape beliefs. The following story illustrates an event radically changing the beliefs of both the participant, not me, and the observer, me. In the summer of 1987 I was studying for my master practitioner certification in NLP at UC Santa Cruz. We had been studying the structure of beliefs and the mechanisms for changing them. One day in class our instructor, Dr. Rober Dilts, one of the pioneering developers of NLP, selected a woman in our class for a demonstration. I had noticed from the first day of class that she wore impossibly thick eye glasses. I later learned that she was very nearly legally blind. Dr. Dilts asked her to be seated next to him in front of the class and she timidly agreed. He asked his colleague to stand at the rear of the small classroom and hold up a number of fingers. He inquired if the woman could determine, without her glasses, how many fingers were being held up. Not only could she not do it, she reported that she could only see a vague outline of what appeared to be a person standing at the rear of the room. After some thoughtful reassurance from Dr. Dilts, he began working with her to change the belief she had held since early childhood regarding her eyesight. In a matter of 15 to 20 short minutes his work was done and he once again asked his colleague to hold up fingers on each hand. She looked up toward the back of the room and was unable to speak her answer because she was crying uncontrollably. She then held up seven proud fingers. She was exactly correct. Her belief, as well as mine and I dare say everyone in the room that day, was shattered by that event; not only her belief about her eyesight but her belief about what is possible. That day radically changed several beliefs of mine that have never reverted to their previous state to this day.

Past results can create belief. There is no more effective way to foster a belief that you can do something than to, well, do it. After completing my studies at Santa Cruz, I had a vast set of tools designed to very rapidly change behavior. While we had the opportunity to experiment with those tools in class, lab and with fellow students, we had yet to take the skills out into the “real world.” As it would happen, I would have that opportunity in an airport on my way back home from school. I was on a layover, sitting in the airport restaurant and overheard two businessmen conversing with a colleague regarding their upcoming flight which just happened to be in less than a half hour away. Apparently their colleague was terrified of flying to the point of phobia. He had agreed to come on this particular trip due only to the fact that the meeting they were all to attend in another city across the country was of huge importance to their company. Now that flight time was approaching, he was stricken with immobilizing fear and was refusing, despite the pleading of his associates, to get on the plane. Sensing an opportunity to help and try out my new skills as well, I interjected…

“Pardon me gentlemen, I could not help but overhear and I believe I can help. If you’ll give me just a few moments with your friend, I think he will be fine and more than willing to make the trip.”

 After a bit of extremely curious questioning from the men, they agreed. I think mostly because they were out of time and out of options. The frightened man and I found a quiet place to sit and in about 5 minutes, he was ready to board the plane without hesitation. They offered me a ridiculous amount of money for my service which I refused. I had my payment. I now had a congruent belief that my skills were as effective in the “real world” as they were in the academic cocoon of the Santa Cruz campus.
Knowledge can create beliefs. Beliefs come in essentially three forms. The first we are not concerned with. Those are innocuous beliefs like, “I believe I can either have fish or chicken for dinner.” Good for you, it’s a great country we live in! The other two forms are of tremendous importance. They are supporting beliefs and limiting beliefs. These are the forms of belief that have a dramatic and lasting impact on our everyday experience. These are the forms of belief that can determine whether we reach our goals and live an extraordinary life of health, joy, peace and abundance or exist in an ordinary or miserable state of ill-health, drudgery, lack and unhappiness.  Often knowledge of concepts that are new to us can foster new beliefs. This book might be a good example of that for you. If what you read here is new to your mind and makes a great deal of sense to you, it may create a new belief in you. That is admittedly the goal here by the way. You may come to believe, simply through exposure to the concepts that you are not a victim, not at the mercy of circumstances beyond your control, that your thoughts shape your reality, that all possible outcomes are available to you, that you can choose your beliefs, that we are all connected, the list goes on. On the other hand you may want to believe these things but find that there is still considerable doubt; that it all might be just so much hocus pocus. Well here’s the good news. There is a very specific procedure from the NLP tool kit that creates lasting and permanent belief change and we are going to go through it step by step. As we discussed previously, in order for the creation formula to work you must arrange your thoughts as if your goal has already been achieved. That means belief. It means getting rid of your limiting beliefs. Things like…

“This stuff won’t work.”
“I’m not smart enough to do this.”
“Nothing ever goes my way.”
“Everything is always hard.”

 and replacing them with new beliefs that support you in your efforts and in your life. Beliefs like,
“I can do whatever I choose to do.”

“I am healthy and happy.”
“I love the amazing adventure that is my life.”
“I am love.”

Monday, March 26, 2012

Attitude – The Keys to the Kingdom

Chapter Five
Attitude – The Keys to the Kingdom

One day a traveler was walking along a road on his journey from one village to another. As he walked he noticed a monk tending the ground in the fields beside the road. The monk said "Good day" to the traveler, and the traveler nodded to the monk. The traveler then turned to the monk and said "Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Not at all," replied the monk.
"I am travelling from the village in the mountains to the village in the valley and I was wondering if you knew what it is like in the village in the valley?"
"Tell me," said the monk, "What was your experience of the village in the mountains?"
"Dreadful," replied the traveler, "to be honest I am glad to be away from there. I found the people most unwelcoming. When I first arrived I was greeted coldly. I was never made to feel part of the village no matter how hard I tried. The villagers keep very much to themselves; they don't take kindly to strangers. So tell me, what can I expect in the village in the valley?"
"I am sorry to tell you," said the monk, "but I think your experience will be much the same there".
The traveler hung his head despondently and walked on.
A while later another traveler was journeying down the same road and he also came upon the monk.
"I'm going to the village in the valley," said the second traveler, "Do you know what it is like?"
"I do," replied the monk "But first tell me - where have you come from?"
"I've come from the village in the mountains."
"And how was that?"
"It was a wonderful experience. I would have stayed if I could but I am committed to travelling on. I felt as though I was a member of the family in the village. The elders gave me much advice, the children laughed and joked with me and people were generally kind and generous. I am sad to have left there. It will always hold special memories for me. And what of the village in the valley?" he asked again.

"I think you will find it much the same" replied the monk, "Good day to you".
"Good day and thank you," the traveler replied, smiled, and journeyed on.
~author unknown

This simple story illuminates the power of our attitudes and how they affect our future circumstances. I can tell you this lesson was true deliverance for me once I learned to apply it with consistency. My life, by no measure I know of, resembled the inspired joy it is today. I had absolutely no concept that my moment to moment and daily attitude played such a profound and indisputable role in my future circumstances. I was, in every sense of the word, operating by default...tossed like a leaf on the breeze by what I perceived to be circumstances utterly beyond my control. This mind set caused me untold amounts of pain, sorrow and regret. I suffered through financial struggles, relationship difficulties, career challenges and depression. That is at least until I began to understand that every circumstance of our lives we draw to ourselves so that we have the opportunity to choose, grow and learn; to learn what exactly? Love. Every day of our “earth school” tenure provides us with all the opportunities we need to become better, happier, more fulfilled and more loving people and that is exactly the condition in which we were meant to live. Let me restate that, you were meant to live an amazing, magical, abundant, creative, joyous life. You are a child of God and the universe, an eternal and infinitely creative soul. Your destiny is pure love because love is ultimately the only force in the universe. All good and positive things are the result of love. All bad and negative things are the result of a lack of love. Just in the same way that darkness is but a lack of light. Darkness is not a force unto itself. It cannot manifest of its own accord. It must, by necessity, have a relationship to the light. All negative thoughts and emotions, anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego…all manifest from a lack of love. On the other outstretched hand, joy, peace, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith are all expressions of love. This is the way of the universe, The Field and God.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil (lack of love) but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.            (1 Corinthians 13:4–8)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thoughts become things...

everything in the universe is made of the same quantum stuff…the same stuff that comprised the infinite smallness and density of the singularity that became known as the Big Bang. What differentiates you from your cat and your cat from your coffee table and your coffee table from a planet or a star is vibration or frequency. Things that we perceive as solid, well they really aren’t at all; they simply vibrate at rate that causes us to perceive them that way. In actuality, the vast portion of the universe is made up of the empty spaces between sub-atomic particles. Vibration or frequency plays a huge role in The Law of Attraction. Remember the simple science you learned in grade school regarding magnetics and attraction? Well it isn’t confined to the cool little things stuck to your refrigerator door; it is everywhere, all the time. It is at the very heart of the relationship between consciousness (thoughts) and matter. It means that consciousness that is vibrating at a specific rate attracts matter of a similar vibrational rate.  It is how your environment and your experiences function as a mirror of your thoughts. It is, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” It is how an acorn manages to attract all of the things it needs from its environment to become an oak tree. It is the undisputable law of the universe. Frankly, you are not much different in function (form either for that matter) from your TV or radio. When you set the dial or channel to a specific frequency, you receive back signals that are vibrating on that frequency. Change the dial or channel and you get something entirely different back…such is it with your thought forms. That which you set your frequency to will attract back to you matter of a like frequency. It is in this way that your thoughts literally become things.

Two Wolves...

There is an old story of a wise Cherokee speaking to his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. One wolf is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."